
Showing posts from November 9, 2008

One of my favorite pics revisited, and hey are those brothers?

  This is just another of my favorite pictures revisited, west cutting onions, j/k... Hey are these guys related? West has got Nolan by a few months but it seems pretty obvious to me...  

two pairs of fish

Hello again, Yesterday Westley got his first pets after giving me a very good argument for why he should get a puppy. We canned the puppy idea and went with the goldfish. All things were going well until west decided to feed "goldy and sandy" (as named by west) and emptied a massive amount of smelly flakes into the tank. Before I could do anything about it the feast was underway and we had to get to church. When we got home I told West to go check on goldy and sandy sure that we would have to have a lesson about the mortality of fish etc.... amazingly the fish survived and west makes sure to apologize to the two flippers everytime he sees them for feeding them "lotta food".

The worm diaries

Hello all, Westley and I had a very interesting morning this week where he both met and said goodbye to a worm that sincerely loved. I add these clips for your viewing pleasure, they are rather long so if you want to cut to the chase go to Part III at roughly 3 minutes westley starts the action and at roughly 4:05 he realizes what he has done. Part I - West introduces "picture" the worm and grows very melancholy Part II - more thoughts on worms and why the hulk is scary Part III - we learn about the wonder of worm multiplication and other random things